Biomagnetic Pair Therapy

“The secret of change is to focus all your energy; not on fighting the old, but on building the new”

- Socrates

What is Biomagnetic Pair Therapy?


Biomagnetic Pair Therapy is an alternative healing therapy system where magnets are placed on the body to bring about balance in our Biomagnetic and Bioelectrical systems. This involves placing medium intensity magnets on specific points on the body by a trained Biomagnetist.

When the body is out of balance in these systems it is more difficult for the body to heal and repair or to stay well.  This therapy can be used to aid the body in restoration to health from a wide range of diseases and illnesses. It can also be used for illness prevention purposes, during an illness and to facilitate the rehabilitation process afterward.

Biomagnetic Pair Therapy can be used in complementation alongside other treatments if desired and can help by limiting the damage caused by the advanced processes of disease and their conventional treatment programmes including decreasing recovery times.

“Biomagnetic Pair Therapy complements other treatments by improving convalescence and rehabilitation times.”


How does Biomagnetic Pair Therapy work?

This therapy works with the profound yet simple laws of nature – the laws of attraction and repulsion. When we place a negative magnet in an area of imbalance there is a specific location to place the balancing pair; the positive magnet.

The magnets are left in place for a period of time, there is a resonance between the two magnets and the bioelectrical field under these magnets will cause an indirect shift in the internal system. It is believed to affect the pH of the area which in turn can make the survival of unwanted pathogens in the body more difficult and can promote immune system activation in the area.

This system promotes the bioelectrical reestablishment inside the person, the consequence being an increased state of energy, a correct activation of the immune system, biochemical auto regulation of different cells and the cells environment. A reestablishment of normal body functions by facilitating the detoxification process and increasing the body’s ability to auto repair tissue.

“This Therapy addresses all systems of the body that can be out of balance, including emotional issues, chronic stress, toxicity levels, immunological response and can also help to induce relaxation.”

What does Magnetism really mean to us?


Inside the body

The currency of energy is continually transferred from positive to negative and back. We are full of charged particles called ions for example Hydrogen H+ which makes up water (H2O) is positively charged. Red blood cells are negatively charged and even the transfer of material in and out of our cells is often based on the charge of the cell membrane. In a sense there is a constant transfer taking place inside of us based on the law of attraction and repulsion, the laws of magnetism.

Outside the body

We live in a huge magnetic bubble called the magnetosphere. Fortunately for us this is the earth’s natural protection that deflects many harmful particles like radiation. Without it life on earth would not be possible.

The Earth itself is a magnet. Scientists do not fully understand why, but they think the movement of molten metal in the Earth’s outer core generates electric currents. The currents create a magnetic field with invisible lines of force flowing between the Earth’s magnetic poles.

We are part of a living system that has evolved in a strongly magnetised environment; this is visible in nature all around us. Some animals, such as birds, bees, and salmon, can detect the earth's magnetic field and use it to navigate.  We humans have used electromagnetic fields as the cornerstone of the science of Physics. From it have come some great achievements such as radio waves progressing onto wireless communication, X-Rays and MRI’s to name only a few. Also very excitingly as science progresses we have now been able to observe magnetic fields being emitted from the human body. Specifically emanating from organs such as the heart, brain and lungs which is leading to new methods for diagnosing abnormal conditions.

“Universally a BMPT session will bring about balance that allows the body to heal more effectively”

The Origins of Biomagnetic Pair Therapy


Magnetic Therapy has taken on many different forms over thousands of years where static magnets or their forerunners loadstones were placed on the body to stimulate healing. In the East magnets have been used for centuries to stimulate acupuncture points and energy meridians.

Today in the West many different practitioners apply magnets on the body for example to accelerate the effectiveness of acupuncture, for pulsed electromagneticfield (PEMF) therapy and my own area of expertise Biomagnetic Pair Therapy also known as Medical Biomagnetism.

This therapy has been developed over the course of the last three decades by the Mexican Doctor and scientist Dr. Isaac Goiz Duran. Throughout his life he has been a pioneer in medicine, alternative medicine, physiotherapy and the creator of this form of integrative medicine. The discovery of this therapy came from a collaboration of work by Dr Isaac Goiz Duran and Dr. Richard Broeringmeyer the prominent American Scientist and Chief Medical Officer of NASA in the 1980’s.

Dr. Broeringmeyer observed the health of astronauts and the effects of being in space on the human body. He documented that astronauts leaving the earth’s magnetic field would return with some physical changes. Their immune systems were compromised, there were alterations in their blood and they became more susceptible to disease. The phrase ‘space sickness’ was used to describe this.  It was discovered that placing magnets on the body could remedy this phenomena and the work began to research and develop the theory of Biomagnetic Pair Therapy. From 1988 Dr Isaac Goiz Duran continued the work to develop all aspects of Biomagnetism and over 350 pairs have been discovered to date.

Today Dr Isaac Goiz Duran continues this important work along with his family; I have trained and studied under both his sons Moises Goiz and Dr. David Goiz Martinez.  Dr. David Goiz Martinez is continually developing and teaching this revolutionary therapy through the Biomagnetism Research Institute in Mexico City.


“I had constant pain, thyroid issues and fatigue among many other things as a result of Lyme Disease and co-infections. Biomagnetic Pair Therapy helped me to turn my life back around.”

“It was a light bulb moment I’ll never forget! After the second treatment finally after three years my pain and sickness was disappearing.”

“I’ve struggled with my health for over seven years with a diagnosis of chronic Lyme disease and a connective tissue disorder. When I started biomagnetic therapy I was sceptical at first but the results were undeniable.”

Contact me

Looking forward to hearing from you. Please send me a brief message and I will be in touch shortly.
+353 (0) 87 783 3388

Linda Mannix,
Biomagnetic Pair Therapy South,
Keel, Faha,
Killarney, Co. Kerry,