Linda Mannix:

My Story

“We cannot change the wind, but we can adjust the sails.”

- Aristotle


My Story

Biomagnetic Pair Therapy came into my life unexpectedly, as it does for many people. I found this amazing therapy after exhaustive searches through conventional medicine to find some help for my young son and I who were struggling with a debilitating illness, Lyme disease.

It was a devastating time for us and our family both physically and emotionally. We went through a few years of misdiagnosis and were left helpless. After finally receiving a diagnosis we set out on the long, complicated and frightening journey of treatment. This brought us down the Medical and Alternative Therapy routes. Biomagnetic Pair Therapy was the game changer in our treatment journey.

In particular for my son as he just wasn’t responding to the conventional medical therapy, it was particularly beneficial as it is non invasive and could be used alongside all his other treatments.

Having a treatment option for a child that wasn’t invasive or included taking medicine and herbal remedies numerous times a day was an amazing relief. I knew as soon as we experienced some improvements that I had to learn the basics of this therapy to compliment his treatment at home.

There began our transformation back to good health and my interest in BMPT continually grew into a strong ambition to qualify as a therapist of this amazing healing modality.

I am very grateful and feel indebted to have found Biomagnetic Pair Therapy. It has transformed my life in many ways and I now run a practice and can extend the benefits to many others.

If you’d like to read more about my Biomagnetic Pair Therapy story, click here.

“Facilitates the prevention of disease conditions and supports proper activation of the immune system.”

Level 2 Certification 2019 London Dr David Goiz.jpg

My Qualifications

I have trained and studied with Escuela Superior de Biomagnetismo "Isaac Goiz Durán" Mexico.  Which is The Superior School of Medical Biomagnetism Isaac Goiz Duran. I have completed my training under both of Dr. Isaac Goiz’s sons; Moises Goiz and Dr. David Goiz Martinez.               

I have continued learning with Dr. David Goiz Martinez who is continually developing and teaching this important therapy through the Biomagnetism Research institute in Mexico City.

I have also had the great fortune of studying and doing my clinical practice under Rob Renehan of Biomagnetic Pair Therapy Ireland who is a leading expert in this therapy.


I have a background in science with a science degree from University College Cork. I studied Microbiology and Plant Science and always had a keen interest in alternative medical research and development. I worked as a Pharmaceutical Chemist for over 15 years as well as working as a research scientist for a period of time.

My personal experience of Lyme disease led me to discover this wonderful therapy which changed the course of my life. I retrained as a Medical Biomagnetist and now operate my own clinic in Killarney, Co. Kerry.

Raising Awareness

Contracting Lyme disease was the beginning of an awakening for me to the dangers of ticks and to the prevalence of them in our local environment. Not just in our parks but in our farms, forestry, mountains and often back gardens. The raising of awareness around behaving safely in tick habitats, awareness on what Lyme disease is and the limited means we have to test for it, is a very important task and something I hope to continue to push forward.

Here are some examples of articles raising awareness of Lyme disease and the dangers of ticks:

  • I had an opportunity to speak on the Deirdre Walsh Talkabout Show. I spoke about my personal experience with Lyme disease and urged medical practitioners to increase their awareness on Lyme disease and its prevalence in our county.

  • This is a national newspaper article I was involved in, its aim was to raise awareness on the alarmingly high increase of the incidence of Lyme disease in Ireland over the past decade. It was written by the journalist Donal Hickey, it featured Dr Eoin Healy an expert on the tick species and habitats along with Dr Jack Lambert an Infectious disease consultant at the Mater Private Dublin. I wrote about my personal experience with Lyme disease and my struggle for diagnosis.

  • is an evidence-based clinical decision support tool for health care professionals. Based on the most recent clinical updates and guidelines available worldwide, provides clinicians with validated best practice recommendations and quality improvement highlights. This link amis to provides current medical Lyme disease treatment guidelines.

  • This link is to an information seminar on Biomagnetic Pair Therapy held in Killarney in August 2019. This was hosted by Rob Renehan of Biomagnetic Pair Therapy Ireland. I spoke of my experience with this therapy and the journey to becoming a therapist.


“Linda has been an amazing support to me, not only as a therapist but also now as a friend...She helped to keep me comfortable during the sessions even when I was extremely unwell.”

“Linda is an excellent therapist. She is thorough and competent at biomagnetic pair therapy and is a kind and generous spirit who I felt very comfortable with when I was feeling unwell and vulnerable.”

“Linda is a wonderful therapist and her scientific background is clearly evident, she understands how the magnets work and her confidence in them would put anyone at ease.”

Contact me

Looking forward to hearing from you. Please send me a brief message and I will be in touch shortly.
+353 (0) 87 783 3388

Linda Mannix,
Biomagnetic Pair Therapy South,
Keel, Faha,
Killarney, Co. Kerry,